Despite the fact that there are over 3,000 species of palms, it should come as no surprise that there are in reality very few that possess the right combination of durability, versatility, beauty, and economic viability required in any successful landscape palm.
Create new alternatives through hybridization...we've been working on and perfecting our processes over the last 12 years, and now have nearly 30 different palm hybrids in varying stages of research and development, with one, the 'Coconut Queen', now being launched into commercial production.
Specimen Hybrid Phoenix
Our palm collection includes several hundred unique and highly landscape-friendly
Phoenix hybrids, ideal for large scale projects where a unique look is desired.
Most of these hybrids are based on Phoenix roebellini and Phoenix rupicola,
lending a softer, more delicate look to the palms. Many are multi-trunked,
all are singular specimens in their own right.
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